10 Flirty Questions to Ask a Guy You Like

Flirting subtly but showing your intention at the same time is an art. Unless you find the balance you will either sound overtly sexual or uninterested. Check our guide to flirt in a balanced way and impress a guy like.
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10 Flirty Questions to Ask a Guy You Like

There is a guy. You like him a lot want him to notice you and want you back. But you don't know how to get closer to him and leave him thinking of you as a potential lover. How to impress him? The key is to subtly flirt over text. You need to bring your A-game when you're flirting via text messaging. You must flirt using 'Trojan Horse' strategy. Flirt without being obvious but let him understand you're into him.

Or you are already talking to a guy and enjoy flirty chats online for just fun. To turn a guy on you need to make them imagine not show everything clearly. Lucky for you we will give you the best questions to ask to flirt with a man. Let's get started.

1. *Do you prefer cuddling or steamy moments?

2. *What’s the best kiss you’ve ever had?

3. *What is the craziest thing you did with your girlfriend?

4. *What makes you turn on about a girl?

5. *What is your dream date?

6. *What is your ultimate dream?

7. *What is your definition of a soulmate?

8. *Have you ever dreamed about me?

9. *What's the farthest you have gone on a first date?

10. *How am I compared to other girls you have been with?

11. *Have you ever dated someone older? How was it?

12. *What is the most romantic thing you did for a girl?

13. *Plan a perfect date for us.

14. *When do I look the most attractive to you?

15. *What do you find completely irresistible?

To wrap up these questions will make him think of you as an attractive potential lover. Now it is your turn to impress him even more!

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