3 Simple Tricks to Make First Dates Less Awkward

Searching for how to make first dates less awkward? Check out this guide to learn the simple ways.
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3 Simple Tricks to Make First Dates Less Awkward

We all know first dates are usually awkward. These days we usually meet new people online enjoy free chats with girls or guys and decide to date with them. So basically the first meetup is the first date with someone you have never met in real life. That's why it tends to be weird. But are first dates supposed to be awkward? Of course not! Let's start explaining some simple ways to make your dates as comfortable as possible. How should you greet someone on a first date? A hand shake or a warm hug is always the best. The important thing is that the sooner you touch your date the more comfrotable you get around with them. That's why greeting by hugging is a great start. Secondly acknowledge that awkward silences on a first date are normal everybody experiences that. But we will give you effective tips on how not to be awkward on your first date. Let's dive in.

1. Touch to Flirt

We know you don’t want to look too eager or an easy target but touching is really import to build a connection and reduce the comfortable feeling. The longer you wait the more awkward it becomes. Especially if you want to kiss after the date and you never touch each other before it will get super weird. By touch we mean hugging holding hands playing with her hair or playful teasing such as touching his arm or shoulder. This way you will get closer and feel more comfortable.

2. Sit Near Each Other

When you sit the opposite ways and there is an awkward silence you will look at each other and it will make your date even more awkward. When you sit near each other even though you are not talking you can look at other things in the environment and find a topic to discuss. Finding an external focus in your environment is a great way to find new things to discuss.

3. Find Interesting Topics to Discuss One of the best ways to be less awkward on a first date is to know what to talk about and what to avoid talking about. What to talk about on a first date? Your interests hobbies fun travel stories interesting experiences family childhood or anything fun and unique. A common dating advice is that don't be shy on your date talk about yourself and listen to your partner telling things. How not to be shy on a first date? Determine your conversation topics beforehand and make the communication smoother.

To wrap up; now you can get rid of awkward silences during first date and have fun! For further tips check us out.

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