3 Sure Ways to Make a Player Want You Forever

Are you in love with a man who doesn't want to settle down? Check out these tips to capture his heart and turn a player into a lover.
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3 Sure Ways to Make a Player Want You Forever

It's super easy to fall for a player as they know exactly how to impress women and steal their hearts. If you are in love with a player; you are in the right place. Because now; you will get some tricks and tips to make him love you and want to be with you forever. Convincing a player to settle down may be hard; but that's not impossible. Let us show you that.

1. Show Your Family Values:

Introducing a player to your family is a big step for sure. Meeting with your family will make him softer and warm-hearted. At first; he will probably refuse to meet your family because it is a commitment signal and he hates it. But; if you make it look casual. You can invite him to a big family dinner or invite your brother or sister when you're going out with him.

Want to hear a secret to make a player consider commitment and marriage?

Make him think about his dad side. You need to convince him that committing is his idea. Show him that you would be a great mom in the future and he will think about being a dad too. You can do this subtly. If you make it too obvious by mentioning about weddings or baby names; you'll freak him out.

2. Be Spontaneous and Exciting:

Players usually think that being with one girl is not so much fun. They probably check their phone; send messages to other girls and even swiping some girls on a dating app. So; you need to entertain him so much to keep his focus to only you. How can you do that? Make spontaneous plans that are fun and creative. Instead of going to dinner; go to a wine-tasting party or a cooking class. You can cook him a surprise meal or offer a surprise gift. You can go to escape rooms; concerts; karaoke nights; sightseeing at a beach and etc. This way; you'll inception him the idea that you are a great person whom he can have so much fun anytime. Become a girl whom he wants to travel together and enjoy great trips. Planning an adventure together is a perfect way to make him realize how different you are from other girls and that if he wants to settle down one day; you would be the reason for that. Isn't that what you want?

3. Let Him Be Your Strong Super Hero:

A player loves being and feeling strong and powerful. Allowing him to be your hero is another good way to make him think about falling in love and settling down. Players want a girl to be strong and independent but they also love to be the boss and in control. When you make him feel that he is a superman; he'll like that feeling and want to be around you more. But again; make it look casual! For example; you can ask a favor from him or ask questions about his job and hobbies and appreciate his answers.

In conclusion; you can make a player love you and want to be in a committed realtionship with you thanks to these tips. For further suggestions; check our blogs.

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