3 Types of Texts Every Guy Loves to Receive

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The easiest way to flirt your way to romance!
3 Types of Texts Every Guy Loves to Receive

Free online chat networking and social dating sites make our lives easier by allowing us to meet friends online; find people nearby or around the world; flirt for free and chat with random people who could be our soulmates. Once you meet someone you like on singles chat; you need to use your chance wisely to impress the guy and make a good first impression. From conversation starters to deep conversation topics; we'll guide you on what boys want and like to hear. Let's start.

1. Be Blunt:

When it comes to texting to guys; you need to know what they want to see on the messaging screen. Men hate guesswork and they expect everyone to be direct and blunt. Let him know you're into him; be confident and honest. With this fact; you need to make him feel that the ball is in his court. So; text him something like 'Last night was amazing; I really enjoyed our time. Thanks for the dinner. If you want to meet up again; text away!'. Don't play any strategic games with him or hide your intention.

2. Ask Advice: Men love to feel needed and like a super hero. This doesn't mean that play the weak and needy woman. The best way to do this is to ask advice from him about his expertise or interests. Guys love sharing their expertise; feeling important and smart. You'll boost his ego without sounding weak. For example; 'I need a new laptop; can you give me some suggestions?'.

3. Ask Something Flirty:

Again; asking his opinion on something and making it flirty is what men love. For example; you can try some attractive clothes; send photos of them on you and ask which ones he like.

In conclusion; if you need some ideas and examples of cute and flirty text messages to send guys you like; we hope these could inspire you. For further tips and suggestions on online dating; love life and relationships; check out our daily blogs.

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