4 Great Ice Breakers When Starting an Online Conversation

Do you want to get the attention of your matches on dating apps and delicately force them to reply to you? Use these tactics and example pick-up lines to start a chat message and enjoy fast responses.
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4 Great Ice Breakers When Starting an Online Conversation

We already covered how to start conversations on online dating and one of our tips is using some fun conversation starters on your first message. Instead of just greeting and asking how your match is doing; you will increase your chances of getting a response if you break the ice and say something that is different from millions of other people. So; what are good ice breaker ideas?

First of all; an ice breaker is a way of starting conversations with others. The main purpose is to grab the attention of your matches and delicately force them to reply. You can easily meet new friends; find people with similar values; flirt for free and chat and hang out online with just a little sentence. Now; you know the importance of it; let’s look at the best ice breakers.

1. Use a Joke

Jokes are great when you want to get attention. Sometimes a pick-up line may even work. But; don't use sarcasm or dark humor. Here are some pick-up lines and ice breaker questions to get started:

* Apart from being fantastic; what do you do for a living?

* Can I get your picture? I wanna show Santa what I want for Christmas.

* I am not a photographer...but I can picture us together.

* Hey; are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you; everyone else disappears!

You might find these silly and think there is no way they work. But; when you build new relationships; you can quickly connect people on a personal level if you are courageous enough to show your quirky sides.

According to behavioral psychology; people feel more comfortable and closer with whom they can share their vulnerabilities and guilty pleasures. So; instead of forcing yourself to keep it cool and pretend to be someone else; you can show your quirky side and talk about your guilty pleasures when chatting with people.

2. Tell an Interesting Fact

Yes; it might not work all the time but this is worth a shot. There are lots of trivia knowledge we may have and it’s good to share them with others. Just choose an interesting subject to give trivial information and wait for the reply. Who knows; maybe you would accidentally find funny ice breakers based on that topic and conversation flows smoothly. This interesting fact should depend on your and your match’s interests; of course. But; you can always try to find something about common topics that everyone is interested in such as food.

3. Ask a Question

We are all eager to answer questions when they are asked. And interestingly; if we don’t know about the answer; we have an urge to reply and know the answer to the question. Better yet; ask your match about personal questions or any other opinion about a simple topic like what do they prefer for the pizza topping.

4. Compliment Your Match

And finally; you may give others compliments but don’t forget; this is the most common ice breaker type and most of the people online give compliments to others to get their attention. So; save this for an emergency!

That is not all. There are more ice breakers in the world that can help you get a reply from your match. But be original. Being original always gives extra credit on online dating! You can use these amazing tactics on Waplog by signing up down below if you want to meet new friends online.

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