4 Things Not To Do On First Dates

Wondering how to have a perfect first date? Browse our content on what to avoid to succeed it.
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4 Things Not To Do On First Dates

For a successful date; you should plan things beforehand and get prepared perfectly. After all; we assume you don't want to lose your chances with someone who could turn out to be your soulmate. How to prepare for first dates? Now; it is time to learn what to do and not to do or say. Since first impressions last forever; you must avoid some mistakes so that your crush would want to get a second date. Here are these mistakes to avoid on a date. Let's discuss.

1.Don't talk about politics:

Even if you are super into it! It is a way too heavy topic for a first date and it can get more intense over time. You wouldn't want to lose a second date because of a difference in your political opinions.

2.Don't play numbers game:

It's normal that you are curious about your date's love life. You may wonder how many girlfriends or boyfriends they had; how long they have been single or things like them. But; it's never a good idea asking these because the answers may hurt your feelings and kill your excitement. Once you dive into this questions; it'll bring follow up ones and you will never stop talking about them. So; mark our words.

3. Don't tell your embarrassing drunk stories

Your crush may not find your drunk stories as cute and funny as much as you think. So; this is a risky move and it’s best if you tell your other cute and fun stories. We’re sure your crush will be delighted.

4. Don't get too intimate:

Your first date is a time when you get to know your match better in real life. When you focus too much on getting physical; you won't learn anything new about your potential lover. So; know your boundaries and never push for intimacy on a first date.

To wrap up; these are the mistakes you should avoid. Now that you know how to have a great date; meet thousands of singles on Waplog.

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