First Date Tips To Make Your Date Amazing

Want to make your first date unique and unforgettable? Thanks to our tips you'll impress him a lot and have a wonderful date.
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First Date Tips To Make Your Date Amazing

First dates could be nerve-wracking. You may get anxious about whether he will like you and you will connect or not. You're probably searching for some useful date advice that will make you avoid awkwardness and have a wonderful date that will get you a second one as well. You're in the right place! This is exactly why we write this blog. On this post you will get inspired by unique date ideas how to make a good first impression on a first date and how to act on a first date to attract him. Let's dive in.

1. Try something creative and unique: Like going to karaoke or 'Just Dance' visiting animal shelters or go on a picnic in a park instead of going to crowded cafes. Coffee chocolate or wine tasting would be amazing if you are both into trying new tastes. Depending on your interests pick something a little different than ordinary and we are sure that you will have more fun than cliché dinner and movie dates.

2. Don’t Hide Your Interest:

Life is too short to hide your feelings just for the sake of strategic dating games. There’s nothing wrong with showing your attraction to him. In fact he’ll feel flattered and closer to you when you do it.

But don’t overcompliment him because he will either think he is too good for you or you are unconfident. Or don’t throw yourself into his arms just because we said show your interest in him. These are two different things.

3. It is OK to Kiss On The First Date:

If you feel connected to him and had a great time together you should kiss on a first date. Nobody will judge you for that. You won’t look too eager or like a bad person just because you kiss. Don’t listen to what others say or worry about ruining things. Trust your guts and kiss him.


Learn His Starmap by Googling:

You may not believe in astrology but you have no idea how much this works. Men look like they find it silly but once they heard about their star maps they get super impressed. They will learn more about themselves and they will get attracted to you because you show some interest in them. This will make a great and unique conversation topic.

We’re sure you’ll stand out from other girls because this is a little known trick that works 100% effectively. Guaranteed! How to learn and understand star maps? Here’s our guide:

Step 1: Learn his birthday the exact time and place he was born. Search Google to find out star maps enter this info and see the map.

Step 2: Don’t worry when you see complicated terms! Basically what you see is the star’s location when and where he was born. They all affect his personality as in horoscopes. There are 12 star signs each has a different impact on different characteristics.

Step 3:

Google the meaning of the star sign on planets. For example what does it mean if mercury is on Scorpio? What does Mercury affect? For example Mercury shows our thinking reasoning perception and communicating functions. If Mercury is on Scorpio that means he is decisive and detail-oriented likes to do vivid research on even taboo topics. You can learn more about it on the internet.

Step 4: Write what you learned about his star map using these kinds of terminology. He’ll get amazed when he listens agrees on you and sees your efforts and interest in him. Give your hand-written cool notes to him. Enjoy his affection.

Bottom line you'll have an amazing dating experience if you are willing to try something different and unique. Get inspired by us more on our daily blogs.

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