First Date Tips for Women: Everything You Need to Know

Don’t let first dates intimidate you! You’ll get absolutely important first date do’s and don’ts so that you could make him crave for you!
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First Date Tips for Women: Everything You Need to Know

Ahh the first dates… As wonderful and exciting as they are you still get nervous and don’t know what to do exactly when going on a first date. You want him to like you and have a good first impression. Duh! You’re already here to learn the best ways to attract a guy. But you need to know some tricks that will enable you to do that.

Lucky for you we provide you with a complete guide that shows how to attract a guy. Let’s start.

1. Have a Playful Attitude:

The best way to attract a man is to have a playful attitude. What do we mean by that? Show your fun sides smile and make jokes and playfully tease him. You can touch his arm while you are both laughing playfully punch him to tease to attract him.

2. Suggest Something Unusual and Fun:

Being predictable is boring. Therefore you can offer a different creative activity as a date idea. For example you can play laser tag or go to a karaoke night instead of going skating. If you really want to watch a film find a drive-in cinema. If you want to drink wine-tasting parties or trivia nights at pubs are the best. You can see our most creative and cheap date ideas on our daily blogs.

3. Break The Physical Barrier:

First dates could make you feel a little nervous. It’s understandable but unless you break the ice and get comfortable you may not get a second date. If you like him and make him like you back touch him. Not in a creepy or suggestive way of course! When you meet shake his hand and give a nice hug. You can touch his hand or your elbow can touch his while talking.

4. Avoid Serious Conversation Topics:

Meeting someone offline for the first time is a little different than others. You already had fun online conversations and then decide to go on a date. This is an advantage over other dates because you already passed the awkward part of getting to know each other. Now you can go into deep conversations if you want.

But here is the catch.

No matter how long you’ve been chatting online you shouldn’t go into controversial topics. Having deep conversations means getting to know your date more personally and emotionally. Hence avoid serious topics such as religion ethnicity and politics.

To wrap up...

First dates are supposed to be fun and exciting not frightening or stressful. Now you know how to make the most out of it and impress your date. If you are looking for charming guys nearby sign up to Waplog down below in only 40 seconds and find a single man to go on a first date with.

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