How to Attract Men: 5 Tips To Make You Stand Out From Other Girls

To make him your boyfriend you have to show your difference from other girls and know how to attract him with scientific tips. Check out this post for details.
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How to Attract Men: 5 Tips To Make You Stand Out From Other Girls

Impressing a guy can be difficult because men and women are attracted to different things. But there are certain rules that apply for both. Everyone wants to feel good and comfortable around others. Once you feel like you can be yourself around him you want to be with him more. So all you need to do is to make him realize you are a cool person whom he can hang out be himself and have fun all the time. As your best wing lady Waplog gets you covered with useful tips to do it so that you can attract a man you like. Let's start.

1. Ask for his help: An old but gold tactic that works all the time! Men feel flattered and appreciated for their talents. Asking his help will make him feel smart and strong like a superhero. No need to say guys love that. Also when you notice his interests or something he likes and ask his help you'll win a lot of points. So kudos in advance!

2. Dress for Him: Well let's be honest. Men don't understand fashion trends. You know what they say women dress for women. Getting noticed by your clothes is difficult when it comes to men. But not impossible! We'll tell you how to turn this into an advantage. Choose a casual style with classic and chic looks. Wear bright colors especially blue or green. Red also works but go easy on it.

3. Drop hints for him to talk about: Men want to approach you with a topic to talk about or a question. So you should talk about your interests and fun facts about them so that they can comment and start conversations.

4. Stand out among other girls: Be different and unique. Don't do things that girls do when they're trying to get attention. How exactly?

*Don't play any strategic games.

*Don't exaggerate your behaviors trying to get attention.

*Don't check your phone when you are with him. It would be so refreshing for a guy to see a girl who isn't addicted to her social media.

*Don't be afraid of being casual and showing your quirky sides. This way he will know you are a confident woman who is different. He'll feel comfortable around you when you do this. And a man notices a woman with whom he can be relaxed together.

*Know your manners. Say thank you and please more. Men hate when girls aren't polite and nice.

* Be shy while flirting. Make eye contacts but also glance away. Eye contact will let him know you're interested. And acting shy will highlight your femininity and make you stand out from other girls because others will probably only focus on eye contact not doing it in a shy and feminine way.

In conclusion now you know how to attract a guy emotionally and physically. Isn't it simpler than you think? For further guides on attracting men and date advice for women check our daily blogs.

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