What Makes a Bad Boy Settle Down

Are you looking for some tips to get a bad boy like you? Check out our tips to make him settle down.
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What Makes a Bad Boy Settle Down

Let's say you met a guy who is really handsome and attractive. You really liked him and you guys seem to hit it off. So far so good. But here's a catch. You learned that he is someone who doesn’t want to settle down anytime soon and you want a relationship with him. You want him to settle down with you like in the movies and you wonder how to make a boy like you. Lucky for you we're here to help you and give some tips. Let's dive right in.

1. Wait For The Optimal Time

You may be ready to settle down and have a romantic relationship with him but you can't make a man settle down just like that. Especially if he is a player or bad boy he needs time and in the mean time you need to show your difference and how happy he could be if he commits to you. Make the most of this time don't pressure him to get serious immediately.

2. Show Him Committing Isn't So Scary

Now we don't know if Mr. Can’t Be Tamed is single at heart or just afraid of getting serious. But if the reason why he doesn't want a relationship is because of fear of getting hurt all you need to do is to assure him you would make him happy and special all the time. Show that he shouldn't be scared and you would never do something that would hurt him. If he is single at heart and doesn't want to settle down for no apparent reason the chances are pretty low.

3. Don't Get Physical Early

You may be crazy for him but wait and never sleep with him on a first date. Also don't get physical everytime you meet. Sometimes having a normal date not even kissing will make him ready because he will realize that he can have fun with you all the time.

4. Don't Show Your Admiration

Again you may be crazy for him and think that he is perfect. But sometimes you need to act unimpressed because he is so used to getting admired by other girls. This way he will try a little hard to impress you. He has never done it for any girl so he will like it.

In short; these are the things you can do to tame a bad boy. For further tips check out our detailed guides.

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