
Sharonsharonb680339, Nữ, 58, Độc thân
United States , Washington

Thông tin cơ bản

about me in a nutshell there's too much of me to say I've been through too much and I know too much there's no one out there like me forget those other women I'm the only one I will give you my phone number if you understand my profile

thông tin cá nhân

Sống ở
United States, Bremerton
Quan tâm đến
Nam giới
Tình trạng Quan hệ
Độc thân
Tìm Kiếm
Hẹn hò
Chiều cao
Màu mắt
Màu tóc
Nâu nhạt
Giáo dục
Nhạc yêu thích
the blues from Chicago God New Orleans Memphis hard Rock Marilyn Manson Elvis Presley Lisa Marie Presley
Chương trình TV yêu tích
Seinfeld comedy skits Carol Burnett show Turner classic movies when it is done right meaning black and white Colombo
Phim yêu thích
anything my man would like to watch I love too
Sách yêu thích
anything medical intellectual that puts my mind at ease complicated that I can really work into my mind and figure out of which I already do

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